Business Studies
- Business Studies helps you to make more informed decisions in the everyday business of living.
- It helps you to make wise decisions about saving and spending money now and throughout your life
- It gives you a better understanding of the world of work, which will introduce you to many possible careers such as: accountancy, finance, sales, marketing and management.
- It encourages you to think about setting up and running your own business
Three Strands
Business Studies has three interconnected strands:
Personal Finance
- Personal finance focuses on students making informed decisions to effectively and responsibly manage their financial resources.
- For example, budgeting, income, expenditure, wage slips, being a consumer, insurance and taxation
- Enterprise helps students develop an understanding of the financial, marketing and operational functions of an organisation.
- For example, creating a business plan, completing business documents, conducting market research and completing income statements
Our Economy
- Our economy enables students to understand the dynamic relationship between local, national and international economic situations.
- For example, government revenue and expenditure, the EU, the distribution of resources and international trade
In CSPE students explore issues in the world around them both locally, nationally and internationally.
These include environmental and political issues that impact us all.
Students engage in activities that affect change in our local community.
This year our first year students teamed up with the local tidy towns and participated in a litter clean-up project.

The Junior Cycle History specification is common level and contains three strands:
1. The nature of history
2. The history of Ireland
3. The history of Europe and the wider world
The new Junior Cycle History course contains two Classroom Based Assessments
1. CBA 1 The Past in My Place, in Second Year
2. CBA 2 A Life in Time, in Third Year