
My name is Mags McLoughlin and I am the HSCL Coordinator for Mountmellick Community School. HSCL coordinators are found in DEIS schools throughout the country and I am the link between the home and the school.

My main role is to work with you, the parents/guardians, along with the teachers and the wider community to enhance your son/daughter’s learning opportunities and to promote attendance, participation and retention in school.

My job also involves visiting you in your home to work with you, help you and act as a support to you in whatever way I can around any issues that may impinge on your child’s attendance, participation and retention in school.

I also link in and work with other key players both in the school and the local community eg Principal, Deputy Principal, Student Care Team, Guidance Counsellors, Juvenile Liaison Officer, Education Welfare Officer, St Vincent De Paul and Tusla to name but a few in relation to supporting further our students in attendance, participation and retention in Mountmellick Community School.

I organise personal, leisure and academic classes and courses for adult family members in the school, thereby encouraging you to take an active role in your child’s education while empowering yourself and learning new skills. Parents/Guardians and family members are always encouraged to be part of the decision making in Mountmellick Community School and so I would encourage you to become involved in our Parents’ Council so your voice can be heard and to be part of the policy formation in the school.

Please feel free to contact me on 083/1380148 or email mags.mcloughlin@mountmellickcs.ie

Apr 14
Easter Holidays
Apr 29
Staff CPD No School for students
May 30
Summer Holidays Commence
Mountmellick Community School
Patrick St, Mountmellick, Co. Laois, R32AO99, Ireland
057 862 4220 School Roll Number: 91426A
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