Green Schools
The Green Schools Programme is a whole school initiative which promotes the 
importance of environmental management and sustainability amongst our school community.
This programme has been offered for over twenty years, having achieved various awards for
our efforts to tackle matters concerning Litter & Waste, Energy & Water Conservation and Travel.
This year, we have been awarded with the Green School’s Biodiveristy Flag
for our endeavours to make our school a more diverse and ecological environment.
The MCS Green Schools Committee, co-ordinating teachers and representatives
from the Student’s Council met regularly to discuss, plan and implement various
campaigns to raise environmental awareness amongst our school and the wider community.
A huge effort was made by all to promote the importance of native plants, animals and habitats, and to increase species-richness in our locality.

Our goal for 2023 is to begin our preparation for the sixth Green School’s Flag,
Global Citizenship- Litter & Waste.